Rachael Heeley


Rachael undertakes non-contentious commercial and intellectual property work for clients across the media and entertainment sectors.

She specialises in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts and advises clients on the exploitation and protection of their intellectual property rights. Rachael has a particular interest in the music sector and much of her practice focuses on advising stakeholders in the music industry on all aspects of their business. She works with artists, writers, producers, mixers, labels, publishers, production music libraries, management and live and touring, and advises on music for film and TV. She also has experience acting for other creatives, including influencers and visual artists.

Rachael also has expertise in advertising and marketing.

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Rachael Heeley
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High standards, good division of practices. In addition to the firm’s specialities, it acts as a “one-stop shop” where sensible so that the client can simply pick up the phone and get things done.
Legal 500
They're extremely proactive - they provide great communication, thorough research and immediate responses.
Chambers & Partners
They provide carefully considered support and guidance, adding value at every stage of the process. I couldn't recommend them more highly.
Chambers & Partners
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